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After growing a regional technology services company to a multi-million dollar operation, it came time for me to consider an exit and sale from the business to allow the company to grow to its next level. I envisioned that through either a strategic acquisition or through bringing in a new CEO that has a deeper and wider relationships in the software services arena that a more robust growth will take place. This process eventually led me to comprehensively understand what goes on inside the exit and sale of a business. Having been on the other side as well of buying other businesses, my blog will reflect actual real life transactions and events that pertain to the complex and complicated process of buying and selling small businesses.

Monday, September 20, 2010

2009 Mergers and Acquisition Activity Forecast

Credit crunch to slow 2009 M and A Activity

Rick ADAMCZAK, Daily Reporter Staff Writer

It should be a strong buyers' market in regard to sales of businesses in Ohio next year, according to the president of the Ohio Business Brokers Association. Sellers should have no trouble finding suitors because the recession has brought out a wave of bargain shoppers looking to buy businesses at lower prices. "More than ever we're seeing buyers looking out there for deals, but people are looking at things with caution," said Emmet Apolinario, president of the OBBA.

"We do have a lot of buyers coming into the market, a lot of bottom-feeding." A year ago it was more of a sellers' market, but that changed once the economy's woes worsened throughout the year. "Our phones are busy with buyers looking for deals, but sellers have to be flexible on credit terms. Ninety percent of them are going to have to consider carrying a seller's note," said Apolinario. He said he expects 2009 to be an active year for mergers and acquisitions in Ohio, though the credit crunch will keep the pace of deals down. "Credit is an issue. It's a big challenge," Apolinario said. "It's still going to be active in 2009.

It's like a dam and when the water breaks, it's going to gush." He said health care should remain one of the strongest sectors. "If we have a client with a health-care company it's easy to pitch it to a buyer," said Apolinario. The service sector, too, should be busy in the coming year. "It'll be strong with cash flow doing well in Ohio. There's still some growth to it," he said. The retail market, however, will be "challenging." "You're going to have to be willing to provide a good amount of notes," Apolinario said. A seller's note is when a seller agrees to receive a portion of the purchase price as a series of installment payments. Despite the woeful economy, Apolinario said there still are plenty of companies in good positions to buy other firms. "There are still stronger companies looking to do deals, they have some cash, but they're very selective," said Apolinario. Still, there remains a lot of uncertainty among buyers and sellers as the recession plows into its second year. "I think we're going into uncharted waters here," said Apolinario. "Everyone wants to do it right away, but you can't. It's a bit of a challenging market with the economy. This is a new world order and it's affecting many aspects of (mergers and acquisitions)."

Reinforcing Apolinario's forecast of cautious buying, a new report by the Association for Corporate Growth indicates that merger and acquisition activity in Ohio may slow in 2008. The percent of Ohio professionals involved in mergers and acquisitions who say the current M & A environment is good or excellent has fallen to 10 percent this month, from a high of 95 percent in June 2007.

The percentage dropped to 70 percent in December 2007, then to 41 percent in June 2008. The latest survey of middle market merger professionals by the Association for Corporate Growth shows the most negative outlook in the history of the survey, with 90 percent of Ohio dealmakers saying the current mergers and acquisitions environment is "fair" or "poor." Most Ohio dealmakers do not see it getting better any time soon. According to the survey, 33 percent of dealmakers expect the M & A environment six months from now to be the same while 28 percent believe it will worsen and 19 percent said it would improve. Apolinario said Baby Boomers remain influential in the mergers and acquisitions arena, since many of them have owned business for perhaps 15 or 20 years or more and are preparing to sell them to move on to other pursuits or retirement, though the recession has likely altered many of those plans. "They may be hanging on to them until the credit market is there again so they can walk away with more cash," said Apolinario. "I'd say about one-third are just tired, one-third are faced with the challenges of the credit crunch and one-third are ready to move on."

Date Published: Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Copyright 2008, The Daily Reporter, 580 S. High St., Columbus, OH

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